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Portico Arts



I have never really liked traditional mermaids. They are often illustrated on the beach or on a rock, depicted more vulnerable than if they were underwater.  Most are shown as bright glittering water dancers.  They stand out in the dark water with no defense. 
I wanted to create a being that was well equipped to defend not only herself but her safe harbor.  She glows, but it is not just for show, but as a warning.  She expands into the space like a tide of man-of-wars. She protects her harbor like a little god.


A one-off variant of this piece, Depth, showing the Boston Harbor will be at Arisia 2019.  This will consist of a singular 24"x36" dye sublimation and 12 12x18 print editions.  All proceeds of Depth will be used to support BARCC and Depth will not be available after the show.

This piece is available for licensing.


"I am no mermaid, I am no mermaid and I am no fisherman's slave.  I am no mermaid, I am no mermaid. I keep my head above the waves." 

- Sinead Lohanes

Regular price Sale price $ 895.00 USD
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